Choosing the right infant formula for your child

Feeding is one of the topics that preoccupies young parents.

How should you feed your child? What type of milk to choose to ensure a good growth? How can we be sure that the infant milk we give him contains only what he needs?

So many questions that quickly cause cold sweats;

With breastfeeding, it is essential to provide your child with all the nutrients needed for his tiny body. The list goes on and on: first, second, cow's milk, anti-spit-up.

In order to help you see more clearly, we will dwell on each type of infant milk and explain the composition, the rôle and the age at which your child will be able to drink it if necessary.

Follow the guide !




Whatever its brand, infant milk is a product that is supposed to provide all the nutrients to the baby. Its composition must be as close as possible to the breast milk that he could have received at the breast of his mother.

Infant milks are obtained from cow's milk to which proteins and fats are added. Fiber, vitamins and other essential elements are then added, which are also found in breast milk. Dehydration then allows this adjusted milk to be made into powder, and to be made into the famous jars found on the shelves.

The milk is then dehydrated.

Depending on the brand, the content of certain ingredients may vary, but it should be remembered that this infant milk alone is required to ensure the nutritional needs of the child. In other words, manufacturers are redoubling their vigilance to ensure that production meets legal and health guidelines.

This is a good thing.

Well, obviously, between 1st and 2nd milk, for example, the protein, fat and vitamin contents are not the same. It is therefore important to understand that every year the diet of the baby is adapted. Up to 4/6 months, baby is fed with a bottle of milk 1st.

After 6 months, we begin dietary diversification: foods are introduced little by little into his diet, in addition to the 2nd milk.

Remember that until about 5 months of age, the infant diet is exclusively infant milk.

During the early days with your baby, don’t hesitate to seek expert advice when in doubt. Whether it is your midwife or your doctor, do not hesitate to consult them for guidance. We all have our doubts in the first place!



Depending on his or her age, bé will not drink the same milk.

1. Milk 1st âge

Très rich, first milk âge is given to the infant, until 4/6 months. On its own, the first milk âge is enough to cover all the nutritional needs of the child.


2. Milk 2ème âge

Introduced into the child’s diet at the same time that dietary diversification begins, it is around 4è 6 months that bèbé begins to drink secondème âge milk.

As he gets older, his milk intake will decrease in favor of solid food. Do not be tempted to introduce cow's milk too early, your child could then suffer from some deficiencies (iron and minerals).

3. Growing up milk

After one year, bébé can start à drinking growth milk. It is an enriched milk thought to complete his diet.

Up to 3 years old, your child will be able to have the right to his bottle of growth milk. After that age, cow's milk is more recommended.


Like adults, children can have lactose intolerance or gastric difficulties. All of these concerns can be alleviated or even resolved with the consumption of special milks.

Their composition ensures digestion and assimilation of lactose.

Their composition ensures easier digestion and proper assimilation.

Anti-Reacute Milk

More peaceful than conventional milk, anti-restless milk helps prevent reflux.

This milk is therefore enriched with fiber before giving it a thicker texture. This way, children for whom spit-up is too important will tolerate it more. It helps to reduce or even stop spitting up.

Hypo milk is a good choice for children who have a lot of spit-up.

Hypoallergenic milk

If allergic antacids run in your family, this milk is ready for your child.

This cow's milk has undergone a treatment to reduce the allergic potential of the milk, including changing the structure of its proteins. Eczema and asthma are thus predicted.


Note that a lactose-intolerant child should not consume hypoallergenic milk, which comes from cows.

Comfort milk

Enriched with starch, this milk is recommended in cases where baby has trouble finding satiety, or when he has gastric upsets.

More importantly, it can cause the child to become constipated. When in doubt, ask a health expert.

The more you know about it, the more likely it is to cause constipation.

Lactose-free milk

Some babies come into the world lactose intolerant.

In order to feed them, we resort to this milk, which is perfectly adapted to the diet of these children. It can be recommended in certain cases, especially when the child suffers from infant colic.



The repeated belief that an infant can be fed with breast milk can be dangerous.

If breast milk is rich in protein and fat, it is to ensure proper growth of the baby. Deficiencies at this level can lead to serious health consequences and even long-term health problems.

Modified milk is a good choice for children.

Vehicle milks, as well as animal milks (cow, goat, cow), should not be used to feed a child. Infant milk is designed to ensure a balanced diet for toddlers, so why look for an alternative that could be dangerous?

Until the age of 3, you can let your child have a rest before introducing milk at the table, not in a bottle. From then on, the child will consume milk as he or she would any other food.

Remember these tips:

  • To each âge his milk.

No need to break the étapes, we respect the indications as to à the âge to which the milk corresponds.

  • Do you doubt that the milk you are using matches your child?

Don't hesitate to talk to a health expert about it. He or she will be able to advise you about possible alternatives.

  • Does your baby burp a lot?

Talk to your doctor about it. He will certainly advise you to try an anti-spitting milk, which is more peaceful.

Finally, if on the contrary everything is going well for your child, that his milk suits him and that he doesn’t have any digestion problems, continue! Once you find the right milk, you should not try to find anything else. It’s bé who decides!!