How to use a baby flyer?

A fly swatter in your hand, lying down in front of you… How do you go about cleaning your nose properly ? How far to push the nozzle into the nostril? When to use the physiological rum? All new parents have experienced this situation when they have to blow their child's nose for the first time. Because babies cannot breathe out very loud, it is important to clean their little noses every day. But once faced with a fait accompli, with the fly in hand, we are always afraid of doing the wrong thing or of doing it wrong. Similarly, when you want to equip yourself before the arrival of the fly, the dilemma begins: manual or electric fly? Pear or suction? No need to panic! We will clarify everything for you.

What is a baby fly?

During your child's first few months, his or her respiratory system is not yet mature. In fact, your baby doesn't have enough breath to clear his or her own nose.

Smaller babies need to be helped to clear the nasal passages they produce. To do this, the use of a fly swatter is necessary. This accessory is thought to clean the child’s nose gently, without hurting it.

Manual nose cleaner

There are 2 versions of this accessory : 

  • Fly-bébé bulb : the suction of the sécrétions is done à l’aide d’une poire en caoutchouc.
  • Fly-bébé suction : a nozzle is installed in the nose of bébé and the sécrétions are sucked up with the help of a hose operated by the mouth and suction of an adult.

Concrètement, in one case, you just squeeze and release a bulb to blow your nose bébé in the other, it’s the adult who has to suck (gently) à through a hose.

Fly-bé électric

This accessory looks a bit like a thermomélectric.

Supplied with several tips (washable or disposable), simply insert it gently into the child’s nostril and this fly-bag will take care of the suction by simply pressing a button. In a few seconds, the operation is completed.

Fast and efficient, it allows to clear the child's nose effectively.

Did you know ?
Until 6 months of age, babies are not able to breathe through their mouths, only through their noses. Furthermore, since they do not have the lung strength to eliminate their own nasal passages, it is extremely important to wash their nose at least twice a day.

The importance of saline for blowing baby's nose

Before even grabbing the blowgun to clear your child's little nose, consider using physiological saline.

Each time your child's nose is cleaned, an individual scoop of this product is used. Simply wash each nostril quickly before blowing your nose. Physiological rum helps to thin and stick mucus, making it easier to remove.

Whether you use an electronic device or a manual model, pre-cleaning with the rum will make your job easier. It will ensure that you remove as much dirt and mucus from your child's nose as possible.

The best way to ensure that your child's nose is clean is to use a handheld device.

physiological saline is a very salty water solution. The dissolved salt allows for effective cleaning without impacting the health of children.


You don’t have to wait until your little one has a cold to clean his nose. It is a daily task. Obviously, we will adapt the frequency according to his age.

How often should you blow the nose of a baby under 6 months of age?

At the rate of two uses of the bébé fly per day, your little one will be able to breathe correctly.

Of course, infants are often prone to catching a cold, so we will be able to adjust the cleanings according to his & her condition. One more time a day may not be necessary to cure a nasty cold.

From 6 months :

At this age, the child's nose and airways are more developed. You can then use it 3 or 4 times a day. Again, even if your baby is in good health, don't forget this ritual to keep him in top shape.

How to use a baby flyer?

Whether you use a b&eacute or manual flyer, the steps are still the same:

  • Install bé on the back.
  • Cap a pod of physiological saline.
  • Pen her head lightly from a côt.
  • Insert the syringe into the nostril gently and then wipe off the overflow.
  • Run the operation in the other nostril by tilting the head of your little one from the other side.
  • Once you have done this little pre-cleaning, pick up the fly swab.
  • Place it in your child's nostril (without inserting too much so as not to hurt him/her).
  • Gently breathe in, then wipe his nose.

If you use a fly swatter:

Think about squeezing the bulb before you take the nozzle to your child's nostril.

A common mistake at the start is squeezing the bulb at the entrance to the nose. At this point, you are forcing air into the b&eacute nose, which can disrupt it.

Think about properly cleaning the tip and bulb after each use.

If you are using a mouthwash :

Before blowing your nose, insert a small piece of gauze or cotton into the mouth tube. Even if your fly swab is equipped with a small reservoir, it is better to protect yourself from the upwelling. As for the method, make sure you suck gently. You will find that your natural suction is quite strong. Don't insist too much, you could irritate your baby's nose and cause him to stop breathing. Remember: you suck in very gently to start with, without inserting the nozzle too deeply into baby's nose. Again, clean your blowgun immediately after using it and dry it properly.

So, if you're not sure how to do it, you can't just use it.

If you are using a fly-bagé électronic :

In this case, the only precaution to take is to properly position the nozzle in your child's nostrils. As for the blowing of the nose itself, its duration and the strength of suction are already programmed.

Be sure to clean the device thoroughly after each use as well as the reusable tips, or dispose of each used disposable tip.


It's your turn to blow baby's nose!

It doesn't matter if you choose a manual or an electric fly swatter, make sure you do it carefully and methodically.

Think about using physiological soap, and especially think about taking the time to do it right. You will see, even if at first this cleaning can make you and your child a little nervous, the learning curve will pass very quickly and this routine will become part of your respective days, like the toilet or the meal.

And above all, you don't wait for your baby to catch a cold to blow his nose: it's a daily routine, from the time he's young.