How to prepare for baby's arrival?

With just a few weeks to go before delivery, parents often start stressing about baby's arrival: is everything ready? What are we missing?

If you are feeling that surge of worry, no stress! It's normal!

The birth of your child is going to involve quite a few changes in the house: Prerecording and arranging the baby's room, ...

We start by arranging the baby's room

Focusing only on the essentials, here is what you need to prepare for your child’s room:

  • Bed with bars and a good mattress.
  • Backboard (optional).
  • Bedsteads (several to make a turnover).
  • Storage: chest of drawers or closet.
  • A changing table.
  • A baby monitor.

During his first months, bé will not need bed linen (except the fitted sheet), a good sleeping bag or a swaddling blanket will suffice.

On the other hand, for the bed, don’t hesitate to choose an evolving model, which will be able to adapt to your child’s growth. If you do choose this option, consider getting a scrollable mattress as well.

The mattress is designed to fit your child's growth.

With this equipment, you'll be ready to welcome your baby to his or her room as soon as he or she returns from motherhood.

We equip ourselves for the meals

Feeding or bottles, free to choose how to feed your baby. Here is a list of all the useful accessories to feed your child:

  • Nursing pillow: even if you choose to bottle feed your baby, this pillow is very practical. It quickly eliminates contortions and allows you to be in a comfortable position, even if the feeding lasts longer than expected.
  • Bottles: buy several! Over the course of a day, an infant eats between 5 and 7 meals a day. You need to be able to rotate them. The capacity of the bottles changes over the months.
  • A breast pump: if you have chosen breastfeeding, this device will allow you to give the bottle à bé bé with your breast milk.
  • Bibs: essential, it allows to erase the small accidents.

As for the high chair, you can wait a few months, that bébé sits alone. In the meantime, from the first days of life at home, the list we have just given you represents the essential accessories to have.


We equip ourselves for the toilet

Bébé likes to take a bath and it is a privileged moment shared between mom or dad and the child. For the bath, here are the essentials:

  • A bathtub: on legs, foldable or inflatable, the bathtub is necessary to give the bath safely.
  • Bath towels: a good cotton towel for getting out of the water is perfect for drying the child.
  • Soft soap for children: think about it, it is easy to find yourself in the dépourvu without it.
  • A thermomètre: during the first baths, it is important to ensure the température of the water. Over time you will learn to know if the water is good simply by touching it with your elbow.
  • Think about the daily necessities: wipes, cotton pads, skin lotions and cleansing milk.

With this, you have the basic kit to welcome and care for your baby. You will quickly adjust your accessories according to your mode of use. But in the first instance, this list should serve as a basic reference.

We equip ourselves for the transport

Since we are talking about safety and comfort, it is important to choose the right equipment and all the accessories:

They are not the only ones.

  • Pushchair: free to choose the modèle you want, as long as you choose it according to your lifestyle and the use you will make.
  • Siège auto: là still, choose a good car seat, depending on your vehicle and your child’âge. An upgradeable model will last longer.
  • Wearing bag: depending on how you intend to carry your baby, the carrying bag can be very practical. Plus, it promotes parent/child contact
  • Changing bag: everywhere you go to change, you need a changing bag! To know what to fill it, we have served you a practical guide.

In this category of equipment, we could add a travel cot. Indeed, in the early days, when you travel with bébé, there will not necessarily be a cot on site. A lightweight, foldable model will work just fine.


Equip yourself methodically so you don't forget anything

The easiest way to prepare for baby's arrival is to plan ahead.

The parents-to-be simply need to sit down and make a list of all the necessities. This list can be updated as the pregnancy progresses. It can also be used as a basis for the birth list if you are creating one. This is often the best way to be well equipped, without breaking the bank and allowing the people who love you to participate in the arrival of your child.

The birth list can be used as a basis for the birth list if you create one.

In short, take the time to equip yourself and use our list, you will really find the essentials that we can not do without.